New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy, 2021
Download the full issue: NZJMT 19 (2021) as pdf, or individual articles and reviews (below) as pdf or docx.
Reading, Writing, Reviewing, Reflexivity
Alison Talmage & May Bee Choo Clulee 吳美珠
Published: December 2021
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Reviews 1: Celebrating Creativity
Book Review
Ruby Solly (2021) Tōku Pāpā
Reviewer: May Bee Choo Clulee 吳美珠
Published: November 2021
Enriched extensively by kupu Māori, the deeply autobiographical narratives recounted in these poems are often told in part, but hint at something far deeper, and sometimes ambiguous and unfathomable. This reminds me of Te Pō in Māori cosmology. … It also brings to mind similar spaces that inhabit Western understandings of music therapy, when we sit in the not knowing with those we work with, but trust in the process all the same. Download review as pdf or docx.
Resource Review
Megan Spragg (2022) We Can Play: Resource Book and Album
Reviewer: Fiona Hearn
Published: November 2021
Professional Practice & Research
“Today We Sing for a Different Future”: Therapeutic Songwriting in Early Stage Dementia in Spain,
A Group Case Study
Alvaro Saura Moreno
Keywords: Songwriting; older people; early stage dementia; song parody; group case study
Published: November 2021
Cantando a la humanidad con cariño y amistad…
Singing to humanity with affection and friendship…
Listening to their voices made me realise the importance of our work as music therapists.
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Using Letter Boards in Client-Centred Music Therapy:
“Autistics can Teach if some are Ready to Listen”
Angela Ah Young Jeong & Becky Darroch
Keywords: Music therapy; autism; letter boards; case study; communication
Published: December 2021

Becky’s journey did not begin as she wanted, but unfolded through her desire to speak via the letter board. […] I (Angela) learned that there is more to be discovered between my clients and me – and for you to discover between your clients and you.
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Leading Choirs and Singing Groups for Adults Living with Neurogenic Communication Difficulties: Semi-structured Interviews with Current and Potential Facilitators in New Zealand
Alison Talmage & Suzanne Purdy
Keywords: Singing; choir; communication; neurorehabilitation; interview research
Published: May 2021
Based on the findings of this study, we recommend more detailed documentation of the current choir protocols, and feedback from practitioners and current choir members before developing an RCT … for mixed diagnosis neurological choirs. … Consideration needs to be given to how a manualised protocol can also allow for flexibility, such as improvisation or song choice. Download article as pdf or docx.
Community Voices
Musicking Together: Collaborating with Local Musicians and Music Therapists
Sophie Sabri
Keywords: Community music therapy; adults with learning disabilities; collaboration; culture; community building
Published: December 2021
… I feel proud to have been able to initiate and implement this project, starting from a simple vision of making music accessible to anyone, through shaping the core values and programme design, securing funding, collaborating with talented and kind hearted people, to writing and presenting about the programme. Our goals of connection, inclusion and self-expression are needed more than ever while we continue to cope with the pandemic...Download as pdf or docx.
Collaborating with the World Federation of Music Therapy
Daphne Rickson
Keywords: World Federation of Music Therapy; collaboration; international music therapy
Published October 2021
… My final message is to connect, stay informed, contribute, participate, and make a difference. … Please get involved if you can. WFMT members are part of a worldwide network of music therapy clinicians, educators, researchers, those in training as music therapists, and people who are interested in our profession.
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Symposium Proceedings
Proceedings of the 2021 Music Therapy NZ Symposium
Linda Webb MNZM, Helen Dowthwaite & Alison Talmage
Available soon
With a diverse range of professional presentations offered at our 2021 Music Therapy New Zealand Symposium, we are delighted to be presenting you with these Proceedings. In partnership with University of Canterbury Arts, we felt extremely fortunate to have gathered together at the centre of arts activity in Christchurch… Download Proceedings as pdf or docx.
Reviews 2: Allied Professionals
Book Review
Marion Gordon-Flower (2021) Arts Therapies with People with Physical Disabilities: An Archetypal Approach
Reviewer: Rebecca Travaglia
Published: December 2021
An interesting and thought-provoking read, offering plenty of practical resources for therapists to use in their own work. The clients described in the book range in age from young adults to older people, making it applicable for readers who work with a variety of age groups. The book embraces various creative arts approaches (music, art, dance and movement) so therapists from all branches of the creative arts may find this book interesting. Download as pdf or docx.
Book Alert
Simon Faulkner (Ed.) (2021) Drum Circles for Specific Populations: An Introduction to Drum Circles for Therapeutic and Educational Outcomes
Reviewer: May Bee Choo Clulee 吳美珠
Published: December 2021
A previous (2018) edition of this book was reviewed in by Heather Fletcher for NZJMT (2019). May Clulee highlights a new, expanded edition from Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Download as pdf or docx.
Theses and Publications Alert
Statements of fact and opinion in articles published by NZJMT are those of the respective authors and contributors to the journal, and not those of NZJMT or Music Therapy New Zealand. Neither NZJMT nor MThNZ can accept legal responsibility or liability for errors or omissions that may be made. Readers should make their own evaluation of the appropriateness of any research and practice methods described.
Privacy Notice:
The journal is published in good faith. Inquiries (including take-down notices) should be sent to the Editor:
or MThNZ Executive Officer:
Editorial Team
ISSN 1176-3264
ISSN 2744-631X
Editor: Alison Talmage
Assistant Editor: May Bee Choo Clulee 吳美珠
Image Accessibility Advisor:
Áine Kelly-Costello
NZJMT Advisory Panel (2021):
Helen Dowthwaite, Council Chair
Sarah Hoskyns
Neil Jourdan, Chair, Registration Board
Daphne Rickson, MThNZ President Emerita
Carolyn Shaw
Penny Warren
Peer Reviewers (2021):
Hyunah Cho (Korea/Aotearoa New Zealand)
Imogen Clark (Australia)
Yoon Irons (UK)
Robert Krout (USA)
Emma Matthews (Aotearoa New Zealand)
Melissa Murphy (Australia)
Rebecca Roberts (UK)
Megan Spragg (Australia/Aotearoa New Zealand)
Karen Twyford (Australia)
Liz Wallace (Aotearoa New Zealand)
Auriel Warwick (UK)
Marie Willis (Aotearoa New Zealand)