Journal 2016
Music Therapy New Zealand, Auckland & Northland Regional Group 2016
– Let’s celebrate music therapy
Heather Fletcher
– Invited essay: A brief history of music therapy governance and administration in New Zealand (1974 to 2016)
Student Articles
Claire Molyneux, Alison Talmage & Helen McGann
– A Music Therapy New Zealand report on music therapy provision in New Zealand
Penny Warren & Daphne Rickson
– What factors shape a music therapist? An investigation of music therapists’ professional identity over time in New Zealand
Shari Storie (née Ludlam) & Sarah Hoskyns
– A music therapist’s speech and expressive language specific tool set
Jennifer Ryckaert & Fiona Kenworthy
– Tune In: Creating confident communicators through music therapy and speech-language therapy collaboration
Natasha Thompson, Shari Storie (née Ludlam), & Suzanne Purdy
– “Catching the Tune or Channelling the Beat”: A pilot study investigating the role of rhythm in therapeutic singing for aphasia
Book Reviews
Ruth James
– The music therapy handbook
Coco Kho
– International perspectives in music therapy education and training: Adapting to a changing world
Carolyn Ayson
– Assessment and outcomes in the arts therapies: A person-centred approach
Kathryn Stevenson
– Arts therapists in multidisciplinary settings: Working together for better outcomes
Marie Willis
– Joan’s songs
Victoria Churchill
– Music therapy songs for special kids