Music Therapy New Zealand Supporters
Our thanks to all of those who have supported and continue to support and advocate for Registered Music Therapists and the provision of Music Therapy for New Zealanders.
Special Recognition of and a Big Thank You to:
Our Current Supporters
With gratitude to Hugo
Charitable Trust for their
generous support of Music
Therapy Week and helping us
to better tell our stories.
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With gratitude to Peter Dickens,
General Manager, and The New
Zealand Music Foundation for
their support and advocacy of
music therapy services.
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With gratitude to Louise Pattinson
and her team at Liminal Pictures
for their, talent, commitment &
guidance in producing our new &
brilliant videos to help us to better tell our stories.
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With gratitude to EY, in
particular Louise Davidson &
Pauline Pura, for their Pro Bono
Accounting advice
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With gratitude to Jeff Morrison
for his Pro Bono Legal advice &
Check out our new videos, with gratitude to the Hugo Charitable Trust and Liminal Pictures.
Please Believe Becky’s Music Therapy Part 1
Why I Love My Job, featuring Rani Allan, NZRMTh, clients and supporters
What does a Music Therapist do? Featuring Neil Jourdan, NZRMTh and Chair, NZ Music Therapy Registration Board, clients and supporters
Those who helped get us here
There have been many people over the years supporting in many different ways, such as:
- Advocates & Lobbyists
- Consultants
- Educators & Course Developers
- Fundraisers
- Governance Leaders
- Philanthropists & Sponsors
- Publishers
- Researchers
- Supportive Employers

Our President Emerita and notable persons
Dr. Daphne Rickson ONZM
President Emeritus
One of the first graduates of the NZ music therapy training course and pioneer of music therapy in NZ. Daphne is currently one of the main tutors on the MMusTher Course at the New Zealand School of Music, Wellington. She also has a PhD in music therapy and has co-authored with Katrina Skewes McFerran the book: Creating Music Cultures in the Schools: A Perspective from Community Music Therapy. Illinois: Barcelona Publishers. In June 2022 Daphne was made Officer of the NZ Order of Merit for Services for Music Therapy
Heather Fletcher
President Emeritus
Arriving in NZ in 2005 Heather became the 17th NZ Registered Music Therapist. She has served on several MThNZ committees including the Education Training and Professional Practice Forum (ETPP), Council and the Registration Board. She chaired the Council from 2010-2014 and was also chair of the Registration Board. She was made President Emeritus in 2019.
Morva Croxson
President Emeritus
A significant driver behind the establishment of the first tertiary course in music therapy and one of the pioneering New Zealand music therapists. She is a former Chancellor of Massey University and close friend of the late Sir Roy McKenzie.
Judith Clark
Judith was a deeply committed friend of music therapy and attended the first general meeting in 1974 and was elected to the executive committee. She was a consultant from 1974-1998 and served on the National Executive from 1980-86. As a lecturer at Victoria University she was a strong supporter of the establishment of the music therapy training programme.
The Judith Clark Fund was established in 2014 with a bequest of $20,000.
Denise Grocke
Music Therapist
Led the Music Therapy course at Melbourne. She took early training courses, usually with a NZ music therapist. Later she was a valued consultant for the establishment of the MMusTher course and NZSMT
Judith White
President Emeritus
Early pioneer in Music Therapy and at the inaugural meeting of NZSMT, lectured in music at Wellington Teachers College, and was also a potter. She was a great inspiration for Music Therapists.
Marjorie Orchiston
Life member
A skillful practitioner of using music therapeutically, prior to music therapy becoming a profession in New Zealand. Worked closely with Mary Brooks (RMTh), and co-produced the books “With Music in Mind” and “We Used to Sing and Dance”. A strong supporter of MThNZ, who was awarded the Queen’s Service Medal in 2018 “for services to music therapy and piano playing”.
Mary Brooks
Music Therapist
Was one of the pioneers of music therapy in New Zealand. Mary worked closely with Marjorie Orchiston in the field of dementia care and co-produced the books “We Used to Sing and Dance” and “With Music in Mind”. One of the co-founders of Chimes Music in Lower Hutt.
Mary Lindgren
One of the first advocates of music therapy in New Zealand and instrumental in establishing NZSMT. The Lindgren Project Fund is named in her honour.
Millicent McIvor
Early NZ trained music therapist. Millicent wrote about Māori and music.
Erika Schorss
A member of NZSO, Erica was a major benefactor of MThNZ.
Other Generous Supporters
Other significant people who have been champions, pioneers and/or consultants include: Lizabeth Toomey (NZ RMTh), Judith Clark, Dr Anne O’Rourke, Elaine Sharman, Cathy Gibbs, Judy Field, Gendie Jury, Christine Archer, Joan Webster (NZ RMTh), Joan Stevens (first MTh to qualify at the Guildhall in London), Lou Quinn, Linda Wilson, Barbara Lewis (first Administrator and later Chair), and Mary Edwards.
Professor Arthur Fieldhouse
President Emeritus
Professor of Education at Victoria University, was also a musician with early career interests in children with special needs. A wise and thoughtful man, he steered Music Therapy in areas where there was little experience, particularly in course development.
Sir Roy McKenzie
Philanthropist and close friend of Morva Croxson. Sir Roy became a significant supporter and benefactor of the society right from the early days through until he passed away in 2007. The McKenzie Scholarship and McKenzie Music Therapy Hospice Fund were established with donations from Sir Roy and are named in his honour. Sir Roy gifted MThNZ shares in Rangatira several times, readily responded to requests for urgent financial support, but also gave financial advice and always came to special events.