Keryn Squires

  • Palliative care, Bereavement, Grief and Change with adults and family members.
    Specializing in children’s grief.

I have worked as a Registered Music Therapist in Palliative Care in Wellington since 2011. As my background is in Primary Education, it was an easy transition from teaching to sharing music to empower children who are going through tough times. I am a keen bush walker and I love the sounds of nature so I use music and sound to enable children to express themselves. I am also a trained Supervisor for Music Therapists working in Palliative Care.

Music is my passion, and sharing my love of music comes naturally to me.

In “Arts Therapists in Multidisciplinary Settings – working together for better outcomes”. Edited by Caroline Miller.
Chapter 14, “Cloak of Care: Music Therapy in Multidisciplinary Hospice Care”. Keryn Squires, pp212-226.

  • Masters Music Therapy
  • Diploma Primary Teaching