Southern Music Therapy

Our Registered Music Therapists at SMT are experience working with:

  • Neurological Rehabilitation – Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

  • Neurodegenerative diseases like Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

  • Palliative Care

  • Therapeutic Choirs

  • Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Individuals with Intellectual Disability

  • People with Mental Health needs

  • People who have experienced Abuse, Neglect, Trauma and Grief

  • People with Communication Issues like Aphasia and Apraxia

  •  People with limited physical movement

  • Children with Developmental Delay, or Undiagnosed

Southern Music Therapy is a private practice established in 2011 by Kimberley Wade.  We work throughout the Canterbury region and beyond.
We are a dynamic creative and developing team.  We aim to provide a quality, client-centred, collborative and sustainable music therapy service. We assist our clients in attaining, maintaining or regaining optimum levels of functioning or adaptation in all areas of development and well-being. 






Kimberley Wade started music therapy with my mother late May 2012. Mum was very opposed to such therapy even though she had very limited vocabulary since sustaining a stroke back in March 2011. Mum has severe Aphasia and severe Apraxia and was very self-conscious of this when people she was unfamiliar with were around. With a great deal of patience, enthusiasm and encouragement Kimberley showed, mum slowly let Kimberley into her world. Mum as well as the rest of the family are grateful to Kimberley for the time she has spent with mum, coupled with the amazing improvements mum has made with Music Therapy, as communicating verbally has become a lot easier and cleared for all concerned. It has now got to the stage in Mum’s rehabilitation that Kimberley’s Music Therapy is mum’s highlight of the week.

Southern Music Therapy

Music Therapy Services

Neurologic Music Therapy