Karina Auer
Rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury
Dementia care
Preschool children
I choose to work in this profession because of my personal background and my love for music.
I have a special interest in rehabilitation for those suffering traumatic brain injuries, working on individualized goals and bringing families together. My master’s research was conducted at a long-term care facility and focused on the benefits of bringing families together. I found positive benefits by including conversations about family, singing meaningful songs and listening to music into the therapy sessions, because it strengthened their feeling of identity and reminded them about personal achievements.
027 8623190

Auer, K. (2019). How can music therapy support family relationships for people living in a long-term care facility with neuro-disabilities, when regular visits can be challenging? Victoria University of Wellington.

Karina Auer, NZ RMTh
Bachelor in music with a major in music studies 2016 – Victoria university of Wellington
Masters in music therapy 2019 – Victoria university of Wellington