Alison (Ali) Talmage
My current PhD research focuses on singing groups for adults with communication difficulties resulting from a neurological condition.
I am an experienced music therapist, supervisor and teacher, and a PhD candidate at the University of Auckland. I completed my Master of Music Therapy in 2007 and have other training in music, education, psychotherapy, and clinical supervision.
My current focus is community singing for adults with communication difficulties resulting from a neurological condition. I lead the CeleBRation Choir (University of Auckland Centre for Brain Research) and Sing Up Rodney (Kahikatea Music Therapy & Community Arts Trust). I have previously worked in schools, hospice, music therapy centre, and community settings. My work includes clinical and community music therapy approaches and I offer professional supervision. I was Editor of the NZ Journal 2016-2023 and a member of the Music Therapy NZ Council 2016-2018.

Peer Reviewed Journals
- Molyneux, C., Talmage, A., & McGann, H. (2016). A Music Therapy New Zealand report on music therapy provision in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy, 14, 25-54.
- Fogg-Rogers, L. Buetow, S., Talmage, A., McCann, C.M., Leão, S.H.S., Tippett, L.,…Purdy, S.C. (2016). Choral singing therapy following stroke or Parkinson’s disease: An exploration of participants’ experiences. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(10). DOI:
- Willis, M., Watson, J., & Talmage, A. (2014). Navigating cross-cultural pathways in Rarotonga: An exploratory collaboration bringing together a music therapist, a speech-language therapist, the Cook Islands Ministry of Education and a day centre for adults with intellectual and physical disabilities. NZ Journal of Music Therapy 12, 58-86.
- Buetow, S., Talmage, A., McCann, C., Fogg, L., & Purdy, S. (2013). Conceptualising how group singing may enhance quality of life with Parkinson’s disease. Disability & Rehabilitation, 36(5), 430-433. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2013.793749
- Talmage, A., Ludlam, S., Leão, S., Fogg Rogers, L., & Purdy, S. (2013). Leading the CeleBRation Choir: The Choral Singing Therapy protocol and the role of the music therapist in a social singing group for adults with neurological conditions. NZ Journal of Music Therapy 11, 7-50.
- Molyneux, C., Koo, N., Piggot-Irvine, E., Talmage, A., Travaglia, R., & Willis, M. (2012). Doing it together: Collaborative research on goal-setting and review in a music therapy centre. NZ Journal of Music Therapy, 10, 6-38.
- Fogg, L., & Talmage, A. (2011). The CeleBRation Choir: Establishing community group choral singing for people living with neurological conditions. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind & Brain, 21 (1-2), 264-267.
- Fogg L., Talmage A., & Purdy, S. (2011). Community choirs for people with brain disease: Social singing or potential therapy? Brain Impairment, 12 (Supplement), 8.
- Cooper, A., & Molyneux, C. (2009). Singing the same tune? Co-therapy to support clients experiencing a change of music therapist. NZ Journal of Music Therapy, 7, 32-60.
- Cooper, A. (2008). Review of F. Simpson (2007). ‘Every note counts: The story of Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy’. NZ Journal of Music Therapy, 6, 104-107.
Book Chapters
- Talmage, A. (2017). At the end of the day (p. 42; Florence (pp. 111-115), and Let the children teach you (pp. 46-54). In C. Molyneux (Ed.), Only connect: Stories from New Zealand Music Therapy Nelson, New Zealand: Mountain Girl Publishing. [Reprinted 2018 as Tales from the music therapy room. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.]
- Talmage, A., Storie, S., Hicks, R. (2017). Choral singing therapy for people living with neurological conditions: The CeleBRation Choir at the University of Auckland’s Centre for Brain Research. In C. Molyneux (Ed.), Only connect: Stories from New Zealand Music Therapy (pp. 116-127). Nelson, New Zealand: Mountain Girl Publishing. [Reprinted 2018 as Tales from the music therapy room. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.]
- Talmage, A. (2015). Working together, playing together: Co-creating a music therapy space for young children with special needs. In C. Miller (Ed.), Arts therapists in multidisciplinary settings: Working together for better outcomes, pp.153-165 London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Talmage, A., & Molyneux, C. (2014). Individual music therapy for an adolescent with severe cerebral palsy. In C. Miller (Ed.), Assessment and outcomes in the arts therapies: A person-centred approach, pp.186-203. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publisher.
- Talmage, A., Fogg, L., Leão, S., & Purdy, S. (2014). Choral Singing Therapy for a client with Parkinson’s disease. In C. Miller (Ed.), Assessment and outcomes in the arts therapies: A person-centred approach, pp.54-66. London, England: Jessica Kingsley Publisher.

- PGCert HlthSc. (Clinical Supervision), AUT, 2015
- PGCert HlthSc. (Adv Psychotherapy Practice), AUT, 2014
- Master Music Therapy (Hons), NZSM, 2007
- Master Education, UWE (UK), 1997
- Post Graduate Certificate Education, Aberystwyth (UK), 1984
- Bachelor Arts (Hons), UK, 1983