MThNZ Council
Our next meeting is schduled for Sunday 20 February 2022.
If you have any reports, questions or requests to submit prior to this meeting, please email them to by February 11th 2022.
Council Members

Auckland, NZ
Linda is our current Elected President and co-opted for Advisory purposes on council.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
- Secretariat & Governance Portfolio
- NZSM Representative
- Financial Portfolio
- Business Development
- Advocacy Projects
- Health and ACI SIG
- Symposium Committee
- Funding
- Strategic Planning
Linda is a music educator, researcher and advocate, inaugural Chair Advisory Group for the Masters of Music Therapy, Linda has a wealth of experience in NFP governance & leadership roles in New Zealand. Email: & Governance
South Auckland/Waikato
Helen is our current Elected Council Chairperson.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
- Secretariat & Governance Portfolio
- Financial Portfolio
- Business Development
- NZRMTh Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics Portfolio
- Private Practice SIG
- PR, Marketing and Communications
- MusT Editor
- NZJMT Advisory Board
Helen has been a NZRMTh since 2012, she has worked in Private Practice, Palliative Care & Dementia Settings. She has a experience in business and clinical management.
Rachel is an Elected NZRMTH member of Council. since 2019.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
- PGG Chairperson
- Student and New Graduate Liaison
- Private Practice SIG
- Assistant MusT Editor
- Hugo Trust Video Project Portfolio
Rachel Graduated in 2020 as a mature student. She is a former primary & early childhood educator; has experience in not for profit & volunteer organisations; church governance. Rachel works in Paediatric music therapy. Private practice with young people with learning difficulties or ADHD & older people in residential care
Christchurch & Auckland, NZ
Stephen is a co-opted member of the Council, as a lay member for a special purpose.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
- Secretariat & Governance Portfolio
- Financial Portfolio
- I.T & Digital Portfolio
Music & visual art, executive governance & company director, Board member Northern Netball & Mystics, Institute of Directors & Leadership NZ, business & rural networks incl local iwi, health & safety & wellness, CEO, chartered accountant, banking, finance, investment, superannuation fund mgmt., restructuring & strategic planning, IT

AGM minutes
- Draft AGM minutes 2021
- AGM 2020
- AGM 2019
- AGM 2018